Legal information

Delite Studio S.r.l.

P.IVA and Cod. Fisc. IT03402240042
C.C.I.A.A. of Cuneo — n. REA 288069
Capital € 10.000,00 i.v.
Certified email:

What is Delite Studio?

Registered office

via Vigne, 14 — 12012 Boves (CN) — Italy


via Ferrari, 3 — 12012 Boves (CN) — Italy

Liability disclaimer

We do not like to write this, as it should be obvious, but we prefer to make it clear: if you decide to repeat any of the itineraries we have described, you assume all responsibilities for your actions. The decisions to be taken on a hike are subjective, moreover, the itinerary condition continuously change, the weather conditions change, and the trail conditions could be very different from when we hiked on the itinerary. You are ultimately responsible for all your decisions and your actions.